Welcome to the Hood County Prayer Task Force. Our three-fold mission is to:
- Mobilize prayer;
- Encourage personal repentance; and
- Encourage righteousness in our culture.
The Task Force is an outgrowth of the work of Acton United Methodist Church (AUMC) to conduct a prayer breakfast for Hood County on the National Day of Prayer – the first Thursday of May each year. AUMC fostered the Task Force until mid-2016. Following the 2016 National Day of Prayer, the decision was made to bring the Task Force under the auspices of the Lake Granbury Ministerial Alliance
(LGMA) as a means of fostering involvement of more of our Hood County area churches and expanding our scope. We remain eternally grateful to AUMC for shepherding the Task Force (formerly The National Day of Prayer Task Force of Hood County) for about nine years!
The Task Force sponsors or is actively involved in:
- National Day of Prayer (first Thursday in May)
- Prayer breakfast (See video of 2019 breakfast.)
- A worship and prayer gathering on Granbury Square
- One Nation Under God worship and prayer gatherings for the community the Sunday evening before Election Day in even years
- Weekly Tuesday Prayer for the community
Producing a Kingdom Prayer Guide specific to Hood County (available in both regular and large print versions)
- Two prayer initiatives:
- Support other regular prayer meetings around the community throughout the year
- Encouraging believers to pray
- Training for individuals and churches in effective prayer and prayer ministries
We are affiliated with the National Day of Prayer Task Force. Click here to visit their website and check out what is going on nationally with respect to prayer. You can also view encouraging messages from various Christian leaders.
Click here if you would like to receive e-mail notifications from us about our events and other information of interest to Christians in the Hood County area.