2021 National Day of Prayer

“In 1775 the Continental Congress allocated a time for prayer in forming a new nation. Over the years, there have been calls for a day of prayer, including from President Abraham Lincoln in 1863. On April 17, 1952, President Harry Truman signed a bill proclaiming the National Day of Prayer into law in the United States. President Reagan amended the law in 1988, designating the first Thursday of May each year as the National Day of Prayer.” (Copied from: https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/us/national-day-prayer.)

The 2021 National Day of Prayer will be Thursday, May 6th. The National Day of Prayer was established in 1952 as an annual observance in our Nation by Congressional Resolution and Presidential Proclamation. In l988 President Ronald Reagan and Congress fixed the Day as the first Thursday in May.

Throughout our Nation, communities honor our Lord by praying together for their Community, State, Nation and the World. Here in Hood County we will do this at a worship and prayer gathering in Hewlett Park from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.  The Park is on Pearl Street across from the Lake Granbury Conference Center.

YOU ARE INVITED!  We pray that you will join us at Hewlett Park to seek and exalt our great God together.  Please click on the video to see our invitation to YOU.

These events are planned and sponsored by the Hood County Prayer Task Force, a ministry of the Lake Granbury Ministerial Alliance.